Entries by Kate McCulla

What has my face got to do with your IBS?

My skin has never been perfect. But around 3 years ago, I started to frequently wake up with a hideous rash. Ugghhhh. I was able to do a reasonable job concealing it with make-up, but it’s fair to say it affected my mood. More than a bit. And so began the long, laborious process of […]


Why dieting has had its day

I bet you’ve been on a diet. Or two, or more… What have you learned from the process? That you lose weight when on a diet? And gain weight when off a diet? I’m afraid to say, that’s pretty much all you’ll learn. And along the way, your “relationship” with food will become warped and […]

Fibre – not just bread!

Having gotten used to be told we’re eating too much of everything, we’re now being told we’re NOT EATING ENOUGH FIBRE! Earlier this month (January 2019), the Lancet published a study that concluded that: “People who eat higher levels of dietary fibre and wholegrains have lower rates of non-communicable disease” (Translate as reduced risk of […]


The Anti-Diet Weight Loss Advent Calendar 2018

The countdown is on…both to Christmas and the ever popular New Year obsession with weight loss.  Through a series of quotes and proverbs, we’ll take a look at the wisdom of dieting, and build a case for a non-diet approach.  December 1: There was only one occasion in my life when I put myself on […]

Childhood Obesity – Style It Out

  Your children depend on you to provide food to keep them healthy. The ideal position is to provide a varied diet of good nutritional quality, while limiting less nutritious foods.  Easy, right? With childhood obesity in the media spotlight, what is the best way to try to ensure this happens? Is it better to […]


All the wrong places

You know what happens when you look for love in all the wrong places – but what else are you looking for in all the wrong places? The dieting industry continues to expand (pun intended). There is only one reason you would choose to drink Slimfast, join Slimming World or Weight Watchers, start Lighter Life […]