Entries by Kate McCulla

World Digestive Health Day – Focus on Fibre

The days of being ‘entertained’ by Gillian McKeith collecting poo in tupperware may be over but, like it or not, she had a point! Not the ‘putting it in a tupperware’ bit, but the ‘getting familiar with it’ bit! Some of us have a chance to get acquainted with our waste matter daily, and it’s […]

Coeliac Awareness Week

Coeliac Awareness Week 14-20th May 2018 What is Coeliac Disease? NHS Choices provides a comprehensive outline of what coeliac disease is, the symptoms, diagnosis and treatment. Coeliac UK provide comprehensive information regarding the gluten free diet. This short article covers some of the more obscure questions about coeliac disease and the gluten-free diet. Incidence of […]


National Eat What You Want Day 2018

The day we’ve all been waiting for…Friday 11th May 2018 is National Eat What You Want Day!!   WARNING – If you enjoy food like avocado, nuts, olive oil, salmon or greek yoghurt for example, but often avoid them in favour of low fat or diet products, then eating what you want could seriously improve your […]


Guilt trip

With Easter around the corner, and chocolate flying off the shelves, how many of you are packing your bags for your next guilt trip? Picture the scene: 1 cake, 2 people. Person 1 sees cake. Considers if they want some. Eats cake. The end. Person 2 sees calories, fat, temptation, a test, a challenge, a […]

Nutrition and Hydration Week 2018

Below average. That’s what we, the residents of Northern Ireland are. We eat TOO LITTLE fruit vegetables fibre oily fish Lower than the UK average. Below average. Must try harder. However, we eat TOO MUCH: saturated fat processed meat sugar salt More than the UK average. Above average. Hoorayyyyy….no, wait, that’s not good. It’s Nutrition […]

World Book Day 2018

I’m not a fan of diets. And until I came across a book by Dena Harris “Does this collar make my butt look big?” I was unaware that cats also experienced the same pitfalls.  As recounted through feline eyes, Dena explores the crazy world of dieting.  In honour of World Book Day 2018, here are […]


Eat yourself better? Fibromyalgia is a chronic condition causing symptoms that may include: widespread pain extreme tiredness stiffness sleeping problems memory problems headaches irritable bowel. Estimates suggest that 1 in 20 people are affected by fibromyalgia, and it is known to affect roughly 7 times more women than men. Cause of fibromyalgia The NHS acknowledges […]


Type 2 Diabetes

Remission (im)possible? In Northern Ireland, over 71,000 people have Type 2 diabetes (Public Health Agency, 2015). There are likely to be many more as yet undiagnosed cases. Type 2 diabetes is characterised by high blood glucose levels, which will cause future health problems if left untreated. Globally, over 80% of people with Type 2 diabetes […]


The food of love… Valentine’s Day approaches, and all I’m hearing is “Can food really be an aphrodisiac?” (I’m not actually, but I was quite curious myself…). The foods which are commonly thought to have aphrodisiac properties includes: Almonds, asparagus, avocados, banana, basil, cherries, chillies, dark chocolate, figs, garlic, honey, oysters, pomegranates, red wine, strawberries, […]



Preparation or deprivation? Lent has been hijacked. By dieters. It’s not surprising – forgoing food for 40 days is a guaranteed way to lose weight (although I’m not sure that was Jesus’s motivation). Deprivation is at the heart of both Lent and dieting. Despite it also being about preparation and reflection, for those with a […]